Tuesday, July 14, 2009

AM BBQ 2009

My feet hurt all night. I put on my sneakers, but they don't help too much. After some research it's off to Haight-Ashbury on the bus. I'm still not inamoured with San Francisco and the bus trip doesn't convince me that I'm wrong. So far I haven't seen a part of the city I like or had an experience here I can relate to – I mean, aside fromt he AM stuff. We get to the Haight and have breakfast and walk around a while. I don't see much of the hippy culture that made the place famous but there were a few weirdy-looking big-pupiled guys in the coffee shop. They seemed to be familiar with the thoughts of Timothy Leary. No flower children about though.

We wait a while for the bus to take us to Chrissy Field and instead take a taxi when it doesn't come. I'm impressed by the last part of the ride when we're about to arrive cause it's basically like driving off a cliff into a park that ends at the ocean.

Registered at the BBQ I'm a little ovewhelmed as I look around. There are so many people. The next 5 hours go by in a blur of conversationing and joking around and chatting and eating hot dogs and burgers. I never do get to fly the kite I bought on the coast on the way up cause I forget, and I realise later that my scalp is burnt, but I also get to make contacts which I'm definately going to follow up, and generally just had a really really wonderful time.

Fabri and I walk all the way through Chrissy Field back towards Fisherman's Wharf and come across a few San Fran jewels. First, there's the guys kite and windsurfing. And I can see the possibility of rekindling my passion for watersports. Then we wander into a neighborhood which is so beautiful I can consider moving to this part of the world (... finances permitting... it seems like a pretty swish part of town).

We decide to stop for a glass of wine and try 2 types of Zinfandel, then move across the street to a chinese restaurant. I over order, but the food it good if a little too spicy. I want to try to make it to the AM gathering tonight but have to be honest with myself after we finish that I'm just too tired. It's been a crazy few weeks, and tomorrow we have the flight home.

Anyhow, that crews' all invited to stop by the next time they're in Milan.

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