Monday, December 19, 2005

Pepsi Light Competition Countdown 31 Days to Go!!

There's more truth. I should be working on Pepsi so I can get a free trip to New York. On that note... everyone will have to go to the Pepsi site and vote for my work from the begining of Feb to the end of March so I CAN win... and, while were on the topic does anyone have any ideas for the name of my project... please leave suggestions in the comments on a name for the following concepts:

1) Sporty girls doing sports in all the different seasons, surfing, biking, tai chi and snowboarding... they're really fit and active. They're full of energy and they all drink Pepsi Light

2) The 4 seasons

How to Build a Digital Human

I borrowed a book for the Christmas break from my teacher called 'Building a Digital Human'. I thought, as I'm an egoist, I'd start by building myself and then move onto maybe building clones of myself and then populating my own 3D world... but then I realised that that's exactly the same as what's going on in my head and it's not very creative.

The truth is though, that I'm not very creative (people confuse creativity with artistic technical skill ALL THE TIME!!!) and that I will start with my own model. I'll therefore have the added advantage of being able to see accurate facial expressions and morph from those. I'll ask Fabri to take the photos tonight.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Meet Chud Gibo

This is Chud. He is about to go fishing off the roof of a very tall skyscraper.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Indie Rock and Roll

This is a list of my new favorite bands:
1) The Killers
2) Maroon 5
3) Stereophonics
4) Franz Ferdinand (though I don't even have any tracks on my ipod)

In case anyone was interested.

I got an OK!

So the progettazione exam was today. It took all of the 30 seconds to watch the film and another 2.5 minutes (that would be 3600 frames of animation) to read my report in English and discuss dormer windows. I got an 'OK'. I don't know what that means but I don't think I'll be pulling in a 30 as Mauro's work ended with his logo and a 'made in 3d Studio 7' page. Oooops, I guess I'm not as professional...

Anyhow I've attached one final rendering for your pleasure. Let me know what you think.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Progettazione... on and on eh?

So the project is going okay and I may finish in this decade. I even wrote the paper that goes with it. Anyhow, I guess too many lights are on in the house and it's keeping the neighbors up so I'm going to go turn some of them off.


Wait, anyone else find the spelling of neighbors scary? i think I'm going to avoid that word from now on.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Projectazione.... bah humbug

So here was the scope for the project: Make a photo-realistic architectual subject in its environment. Now, go away and do it without any instruction.

I finally have some windows and doors and the balconies out front are up. I almost pulled out all of my hair because I lost over 6 hours of work when the file from having opened it at school no longer opens on my PC. I've saved 7 versions of this file just in case.

I rekon I have about 20 hours of work left... ??

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

It's like a little rabbit.

Okay so the old mystery is solved. Went to the doc today with the test results and I was diagnosed with SLE (Lupus - it's like a little rabbit).

Ah-ha!! So now I have an excuse for napping as often as I do and enjoying it so much! Anyhow, it's not terrible, but it does need to be managed and I could (and probably will) have flares from time to time, which mean I'll want to sleep even more and won't want to work with my hands too much. But hey... that doesn't change anything.

Anyhow, I decided that as I'm already working on the pet shop thing for school I'd adopt one of the toys as my new mascot for this disease... Meet little Lupus. We're going to get along great since we have to live together and I'm going to make her happy so that we don't have to have too many fights.

Monday, November 28, 2005


Update on JT. Davis House:

It has no windows or doors, the bricks and concrete are wonky and it makes my eyes hurt. And then I wonder if I really do want to do a winter night scene. Gonna need alot of faking it in Premier. Other than that we're on track.

Reminder: DEADline 13th of Dec.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Fire!!! An update:

f So we go to a party at Piso's house last night and within a moment of walking through the door we meet a firefighter (Mario!!!) who helped with the blaze on Friday. Turns out no one was hurt and that the fire probably started because the chimeny got too hot and was possibly made of aluminium. When it gets to hot it starts to transfer the heat and if there's no suitable place for the heat to dissipate then a fire will begin... makes you think about fireplaces no?

Anyhow, a little weird coincidence that this guy was at the same party as us no?

Other than that... nothing to report.

Photo: Mario the fireman, off duty.

Littlest Pet Shop Project

This only took all day to do. He's not super great, but at least I didn't waste the whole day doing something fun like building a snowman or riding horses.

Built in Maya and I have a cramp in my hand now so I'm going to take a bath.


Saturday, November 26, 2005


f Last night Fabri, Andrea, Cheech, Mario, Lucrezia and I were in a fire! A real fire!

Everyone was tired. I was frustrated cause yesterday I didn't manage to get anything accomplished in Maya and my 'Littlest Pet Shop' work as well as my the class itself were being compromised.

I was drinking Strongbow Cider. I had a discussion with the barmaid about it (Cidro in Italian). They didn't have it on tap. I was drinking poured from the bottle into half-pint glasses.

The conversation was as follows: Andrea wanted to convince Mario and Cheech to come see a CRF motorcycle, Cheech wanted to fool everyone into thinking his graduation was the 23rd of December (we decided that it's actually the 22nd). Lucrezia had ribs and french fries that had too much fat on them.

The truth was it was a very boring night. So, logical as we are we decided to pack it in and head home. Not a moment too soon....


Well, not that suddenly, but we all noticed that the fireplace int he room next to the door was a bit hotter and more orange than it had been. Then we noticed embers falling from the ceiling, then we noticed... well, I didn't notice anything actually cause I was already shouting at people to leave (stupidly I must admit in English 'out out!!')...

And then the pub was on fire.

And then we were standing in the street wondering how the hell it went up so fast.

And then we were running away cause we couldn't breathe cause the black smoke was billowing out of the windows.

It took a while for the firetrucks to arrive and when they did they didn't have oxygen masks or anything. I was disapointed for that. They did have axes, but didn't seem to do anything with them.

We had to walk all the way around the block to get back to the car cause eventually they closed the street off.

A real fire. Wow.

Photo Courtesy of Fabrizio Lingesso the day after the fire (today).

Friday, November 25, 2005

Thursday Night Fun

There was Olivia's birthday party last night. I mostly hid in the kitchen.

I helped with the clean-up effort by eating alot of what was left in the sink.

I rubbed sugar on Michele's face. Twice. He was happy.

I danced in the lounge to Janice Joplin and the Grease soundtrack (in German). I had an audience of horrified early-twenty-something-year-olds. They were truly horrified.

And now, I have made the difficult decision to scrap one idea in favor of another: 'City Scene4' is out... 'Scene1/Hotel Room' is in. It's just the most humane thing to do for myself. And off I go!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

To do list extrodinaire.

Right: there's a million things to do and I panic without a list so it might as well be here.

1) Win Pepsi Light competition and go to NYC.
2) Win Littlest Pet Shop competition and spend 1500euro
3) Finish JT Davis House construction in Montreal
4) Write a magazine-worthy critique of Alfred Hitchcock's Marnie
*While you're at it make great notes as to colour palettes and tones for future animation of street bums Chud and Sal fishing.

NTS (note to self): The above items are not in order of due date.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Jack and Max

These are my nephews Jack and Max. I was thinking of them so I put their pictures online.

I was also thinking of my mom, my brothers, my dog, my cat and loads and loads of friends who aren't around at the moment, but they'd be angry if I put all their photos online maybe.... and anyhow, babies are cuter.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

E Blogging

So, someone told me that I'm a good writer.

And I'm rushing out of the house as I do this cause I only set it up as a test of the emergency broadcasting eblogging system and whether it would be applicable to photo posting from file folders. Fabri needs to get a site up and I'm too lazy to do it myself so I'd rather waste 6 weeks looking for the ultimate program. I'm thinking of scripting it myself at this point.

And I'm going to meet Olivia in the ecentre of Milan to search for a winter jacket which it suddenly occured to me that I don't need...

And I have to stop leaving full, ice cold cups of tea around the house. Even if my sociology teacher thinks it's a regression to embiotic fluid.

Okay... If I don't leave at exactly 12pm I'll panic that I'll be late and still arrive 15 minutes early.
There go the church bells!

Sorry tea! Can't finish you now!