Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New System

Okay, maybe it goes against natural human chemistry or something, but I've decided to take back control of my life by changing my sleeping habits. Yes, i know it might seems strange, but as they say:

'If what you're doing isn't working, do something else'


'The definition of crazy is doing the same thing twice and expecting different results'


'Do or do not do, there is no try'

(that's my favorite, cause it comes from yoga, who is green in colour, and so is Kermit the frog... and as we all know, it's not easy being green... so if that's the case, and their still optimists at heart then they must be some really tough four-foot characters.)

My new system is comprised of optimisation of the 'rest' period of the day... Instead of 4 hours in front of the tv, exhausted and then sleep for 8. I've decided to sleep for 4, wake up refreshed, work for 4 and return to bed to sleep for the remaining 4. Last night was my first of the experiment. I'll keep you posted as to how it progresses.

By the way, the work that came out of it was good, clean and efficient.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


It's been a long long long long time since the last time I was enthused or bedazzled by anything, so I think it deserves an announcement. I have descovered a fruit I never had before and I really really like it!

It's skin is pretty ugly, but you peel it away before you eat it and though it seems pretty banged up and bruised most of the time from the outside, looks can be decieving. The flavor is a bit difficult to describe. It's sour and sweet, but not in a drippy, peach like way. It's not very moist, but has the texture of a melon, or pumpkin. When you reach the centre of the nespola you're rewarded with a precious looking pit. Super smooth, glossy and shiny, the pits (1-3 per fruit from what I've found) of this fruit are 30% of it's fun.

In ancient times the nespola was a symbol for a virtuous woman. It was even given as a gift. It's plant is part of the rose family and was brought to ancient greece from the orient. Now it can grow in any temperate climate which doesn't have a humid or chalky soil. It's full of fibre, fructose, mineral salts, organic acids and vitamin A.

Apparently you can make a pretty great liquer from the fruit and their pits as well.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Goodbye Lindsey Puppy

Yesterday, after 16 years of loyal friendship, Lindsey the dog passed away and left this world. She was a good doggy. She didn't complain, she always made everyone around her happy. She pulled too much on her leash. She liked to eat chicken livers and the parts of a sunnyside up egg that I won't eat. As a puppy she let me dress her up in doll's clothes. She was my dad's best friend. She looked after my mom after he'd gone.

Last night I went to sleep thinking of her and my dad sitting on the shore of a cold mountain lake, fog billowing over the slate grey, matte surface. They seemed happy and calm being together again.

I remember the moment I first saw her. My family had hid her in a wicker basket which had a door that closed with a golden latch. The basket shook and rocked on the laundry room floor and out popped this black and white furry ball of love and cuddles. She was all kisses and wagging tail.

It's hard when a pet dies. Pets don't hurt anyone. They aren't needy. Lindsey was the best of that kind of pet. I hope we did a good job giving her a nice life.

Goodbye puppy, ralphy, lindsey, baby, linds-linds, popcorn paws. I love you.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Too long...

It's insane that I haven't written in so long. I just don't have the time. They say that you need to make the time. make the time to do the things that you need to do to feel good, to get things done, to be okay.

I'm aiming for okay at the moment. I'm pretty sure I'm approaching things all wrong, but I'm finding it hard to find the time to go back over the project plan and start again. What's the project exactly? Who knows. I feel like I'm falling down a staircase... every day is a new bump, but eventually i'm going to get to the bottom and then I'll be able to pick myself up, dust myself off and get on with getting better again.

Nice metaphor. But it's only feelings right?

Okay, here's what the next 4-6 weeks look like: Finish the thesis, go to work, make sure that nobody gets too disappointed in me.

But on the lighter side of things, work's going great. I'm good at my job and I get things done on time. I impress people with my bravado, speed and attention to detail. I'm good at my job.

On other light sides, I've got alot of good stuff to look forward to. I've got the engagement party, the wedding, the summer holiday, the time to relax, the exciting prospect of learning animation (like a pro), heck, I'm even excited about presenting the thesis afterall, oh, and let's not forget picnics.

So what else?

I was traumetized on the tram this morning when the ticket officers hopped on and started demanding violently people's tickets or identity cards. I have to make a mental note to never ever forget my ticket when i no longer have my student visa. I actually saw them push a lady carrying 2 babies and a man with a cane. Presumably they feel it's justified because the lady was from eastern europe and the man was old... both people who couldn't possibly have the same rights to non violence as everyoen else right?

I'm going to try to do better with the writing.