Monday, June 23, 2008


We just bought a loft. It's pretty awsome. It's in an old factory. I should put up photos or something. 80 square Meters and I'm going to keep it pretty much all white with 40's furniture and weird junk all over.

I've been throwing out all my clothes and I still have more to get rid of. I want to have a wardrobe like a uniform... everything goes together and there are hard fast rules.

Hate to complain but it was 30 degrees in my bedroom when I went to sleep last night at 11:30- how is that possible? Doesn't the sun have something to do with the temperature? I've taken to rolling around in a bathtub of baby powder before I go anywhere... is it worse to be sticky and sweaty or get heat stroke cause you're preventing your natural cooling systems from working?

The stage has been great and I'm still there for a few more weeks. I really like the group of guys the place has brought together and lunch-times are always alot of fun. I've learnt alot too and my robot project hasn't come out too too badly. I wasn't really keen on the modelling or rigging or animation or materials etc. as individual items, but all together I think it's looking prety decent. I have a few weeks to polish it up.

I'm on a break from Animation Mentor which lasts only a week and then we get into facial animation. Man I'm excited, but also nervous for it. I feel like I struggled quite a bit with my last shot and I'm still a bit insecure. My mentor Dana Boadway was great at reassuring me though and I'm hoping my next mentor will be as awsome. I learnt LOADS. I tried my hand at drama-style acting and hope to be able to attempt a comedy shot next term. Maybe the shot with the 2 characters side by side. I don't know.

We've been to loads of weddings lately. 3 in June alone. I'm all wedding-ed out and exhausted from all the hanging out with strangers and travelling to far off places and all the primo,secondo,dessert-buffeting. Man. Hard work. All the brides were lovely though... really.