Thursday, October 05, 2006

New and Exciting?

Been back in Milan now for a few weeks and starting to settle in again.

I've been working on developng the story for the thesis project further and gathering resources etc. I even set up another blog to chart the progress of how that's going. Visit it HERE.

I still ahven't touched anything 3D as I've been shying away from the computer a bit. I figure there will eb time enough to get back into it, and that I'll be eating and drinking 3D in no time. Monday afternoon we've got the initiation meeting. It will be frustrating as usual, but I'm so tired of being on holidays.

What else? I'm becoming obsessed with the 40's and have been trying to work out how to get my hair to curl nicely. So far rag curls seem to be doing some nice waves, but I have to master pincurls as well. You see? Too much time on my hands.

In other news, went to the famous 'Wednsdays at Mom's' yesterday. It wasn't bad but only because Nat and Vale, Ashley, Vanessa and Martha were there too. I drank too much and have been paying for it all day. I barely got to the post office this morning to mail somthing someone bought on ebay.

Wow. Maybe I should only write when I have something to say.

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