Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy 2007!

Hey! Happy New Year! It's been ages since I've updated anything. Anyhow, here's the newer news.

Fabri and I went to Taranto for Christmas and new years. It was nice, but slow as I didn't have very much to do while there. I've been reading Moby Dick by Hermann Melville and it's been making me have dreams about whales. I've also relaised how limited my vocabulary in English has become. I've got to keep the wheels turning up there or my brain is going to rust over completely. New years' eve itself was probably the tamest I've ever had outside of Montreal and in the past 10 years, btu i didn't mind at all... I'm done with new years' eve. Not in a bah-humbug kind of a way, but in a mature, sophisticated kind of way.

I think I need to get a laptop.

Mario and Lucrezia's wedding is this Friday and I'm excited for it. I got a brown dress and brown shoes and a brown bag and a brown shawl and a brown coat for it. Hee hee hee. Lucrezia got all teary-eyed at the movie theatre yesterday when we were saying goodbye cause we started joking and saying 'see you at the church' and I guess it's the first time it sunk in for her. (I got teary-eyed too a bit... shhhh) I'll try to post some photos when I get them. That reminds me I should charge my camera.

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