Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Class 5.1

Heya! Started class 5 today... managed to get through classes 3 & 4 without writing anything here... but oh well right?

Ok... so let's start with IDEAS:

Everyone is unique. All ideas are valid. Following ideas will take you someplace, and hopefully to a place where a story can grow from. What if factors. There are no bad ideas.

My mentor this term is Jed Diffenderfer. He works on story at Dreamworks and did loads on Kung Fu Panda. In the Q&A today I was in the dark, no because I didn't understand, but because I had no lamp. Next week (lamp pending) will be my big reveal... bear head or lamp itself are 2 ideas that Jed came up with right away. I need to find a bear lamp.

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