Friday, October 10, 2008


Things are going well with the house. If I could find the cables to download the photos from the camera I'd post them, but no one knows where they could be. I'm sitting in the empty rental as I write this surrounded only by the 50 year old modular furniture we have to say goodbye to this weekend. Even my primary computer is pack and away.

In the new place there's a mountain of stuff in the middle of the downstairs space. Everything we have. The move went well and in the truck from one place to the other we smiled knowing that even without all that stuff behind us banging around the cabin it wouldn't matter. Takes the pressure off. I dropped the bed down the stairs in the main hall here and broke the wall, but the bed seems to be ok.

We had an IKEA fiasco which ended in our defeat and a change of tactic. We were loading bits and pieces of the far too large wardrobe I planned onto a zillion of those pushy carts when we realised that we couldn't possibly navigate the cash area and all those people who stand far too close to you. We asked to have it delivered. We left the zillions of carts in the middle of those sky-scraping aisles and ran away.

Ale & Ele came to help with the move, and so did Max. Max had to head off afterwards, but we went with A&E to eat at a crazy dark trattoria, (or is it osteria?) around the corner when we were done. I had cornetti, which I've never had before and really liked, and cotoletta... which I should never have and hardly ever like. The owner/cook is an old bearder beer-swilling guy and even though it's just turned autumn there was a raging fire in the fire pit. The service was angry-family-biz style. The son wore a cape and squeezed glue and sprinkled packets of sugar into the fire.

The floor downstairs won't be arriving till the end of the month and therefore we're delaying any of the furniture we've bought. Most of it comes from our weekend hunts for 'antiques' from the turn of the last century. I believe it's called liberty style here. I'm mostly attracted to it's sturdy, durable, lasted 100 years and still going nature. I just really like the idea of wood.

The harmonica playing is going ok. I'm a little diappointed in myself for not practicing everyday and I think I'm using the move as an excuse. The truth is it's not taking up so much of my time and the not playing is down to my laziness and non-commital nature. It's one of my 'shoulds' at the moment. Yesterday I woke up early and then worked on my short stories for the short film I'm starting and then went back t bed at about 11. I stayed in bed till after 2:30 and had to rush to get ready for work. How can anyone sleep that long? Today I have a few more things to do for the final move, but before I'll practice for a half an hour.

The stories are coming along great. I'm going to upload them to the AM site and talk about progress there.

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